Todd’s Thoughts – March 2017

Grace, Wisdom, Strength, and Healing. That’s the simple prayer I say to myself each time I’m about to press a load of heavy weight off my chest. I ask for grace just in case I do something stupid, like risking injury by taking on more than I should. I ask for wisdom so I’m smart enough not to lift more than I’m able to begin with. I ask for strength to accomplish my goal. And I ask for healing because my muscles are torn apart in this process and need to recover before lifting again.  I began saying this prayer years ago, when all I had was a bench and a bar full of weights, and nobody to spot me if I got into trouble. Nowadays I have equipment with safety mechanisms in place, so it’s not as much of a concern.  But I still say this prayer to myself because it has become a mantra for my life, a way of contemplating my work and struggles. I hope for the kind of grace that forgives me for my own thoughtlessness, the wisdom to make the best choices to begin with, the strength to endure the challenges before me, and healing from all the pain and suffering I inevitably experience. It’s a simple prayer, but I think, a good one. So, as I write this brief article, I thought I’d share it with you, just before I go downstairs to the crucible I call my weight room.  — Rev. Dr. Todd F. Eklof, UUCS Minister