August 10, 2021

Here is the latest news from our partner minister in Felsőrákos, Romania — with photos to illustrate!

I hope you are all healthy and all is well with you. A lot has happened here lately, a lot of good and even more bad unfortunately. I’ll start well.

Two weeks ago we received a group of equestrian pilgrims who came to us on horseback. It was a great experience for the congregation. The equestrian pilgrims told us about their journey in the church. It was very interesting. For this occasion, the Women’s Association prepared breakfast and dinner for the pilgrims. Delicious Felsőrákos food.

Then, unfortunately, as a result of a huge storm, lightning struck the church. Luckily, only part of the lightning hit the church so only part of the roof and part of the electricity grid were damaged. Thank God the roof didn’t burn. We have insurance and the consultation with the insurer is already underway but due to the many papers we only hear promises for the time being. The roof was tiled back thanks to a very good person but with the electrical network we still have to wait. All this was not enough, the day before yesterday the storm also damaged the tower, so now we are repairing it.

I enclose some photos of the events.

How are you? Have you had such a big storm?

Isten áldjon,

Zalán és Orsolya

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