June 2, 2022

Well, we have quite a musical line up for June!

Our Mixed Choir will give their last performance of the spring, so enjoy them while you can! COVID willing, we will hear them again in September after their summer break.
Kevan Gardner, an LGBTQ rights advocate AND an old friend of the congregation, will sing two songs for us. It will be so good to see and hear him! In addition, we will hear Matt Danielson, Vice President of the Pride Board, play our Grand Piano while Maura is away for the weekend. He will do an original song he titled The Long Goodbye for the Postlude.
Bryant McKinley, a veritable one-man band, will play and sing for us this Sunday. Bryant is a friend of the church and a long time musician in Spokane and leans toward Rock and Country music.
Pam Larratt, who always does her own original tunes at the piano, will write a piece for this Sunday’s topic. Pam may be leaving Spokane in the near future, so don’t miss her on THIS Sunday!

If you have been reading my columns, you may wonder just where is the Men’s Ensemble that I promised is this month!

Long story short, although I was able to put together a group that included 5 new male singers, however, impediments made it impossible to have that group perform at this time. We have postponed their debut until late summer or sometime in the fall. I’m looking forward to that—hope YOU are, too!

Happy summer,

Deb Jacquemin
UUCS Music Director