Our Zoom Winter Solstice service was a success!!!
Many thanks to our Narrator, Ann Wenger, who did such a great job of telling the story so clearly and communicating its intent. Our readers were also wonderfully clear—and I especially liked the variety in their voices. Bravo to Gordon Diddens, Shane Gronholz, Nancy Cook and her daughter Izi! We had wonderful tech support from Jennifer Calvert, a retired math teacher and a fairly new member of our congregation. She was especially helpful to us as she had worked with Zoom—and she knows how to teach well. I also am grateful to our Administrative Assistant, Michelle Caldwell. Michelle is very good with anything technical and was able to trouble shoot things like my microphone. We couldn’t have done this without either of these fine women. And last, but certainly not least, many thanks to Susan Tyler-Babkirk—for not only asking for this service, but also being so willing to back up that request with the many hours she put in working on our beautiful Power Point! It was a real joy working with you, Susan!
And all of us loved the response from the congregation and other people who came to the service! I believe we had nearly 100 people in all. We had people viewing us from southern California to Florida! Former member Penny Reid got wind of the service and asked for the link for her new congregation in Jacksonville. If I can trust the feedback I got, everyone enjoyed it. I know that I needed something to boost MY spirits this year—and this was a big help!
Happy Holidays and Smiles to you all!
Deb Jacquemin
UUCS Music Director