The members of the UUCS Worship Teams keep our Sunday services running smoothly
Worship Team
The worship team coordinates all aspects of Sunday morning services including feedback, improvement, recruiting of guest speakers, lay leaders and story tellers. They engage with the music director and minister to ensure flow of services. Their mission is to provide reflection and feedback on our services and to serve as a sounding board for our minister. The team strives to create services that are meaningful to all who attend, with particular attention to people who will carry our church into the future.
Usher Team
The usher team provides a positive and welcoming experience for those attending services, we assist congregants by distributing programs, answering questions, welcoming, and providing seating and general assistance.
Worship Leader Team
Worship leaders are much more than candle lighters! Worship leaders are an important and distinctive component of our worship services at UUCS. While the minister leads the services each Sunday and delivers the primary message, worship leaders contribute three key pieces that help open and close the services, and provide an opportunity for meditation and contemplation.
In addition, when the minister is away, they coordinate with our guest speakers and take on much more responsibility for the service components. Members of the worship leading team spend a substantial amount of time preparing for services—seeking out readings (and occasionally writing them ourselves), editing them for length, and practicing their delivery. Worship leading is an opportunity for each of us to add a personal component to the worship service—to bring a small gift of ourselves to share with the congregation.
Questions about the Worship Teams? Contact Gordon Diddens at
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