Dave Hyde

Dave was born in Seattle in 1943, raised in Oakland, California, managed a wholesale upholstery business in San Francisco and was active in the Presbyterian Church. He has always been involved in political or groups working on social and environmental issues, but when COVID-19 hit, he was stuck on the computer when everything went on line. His daughter bought a house in Spokane and encouraged him to live in a community where he could get back with people.

One of the things Dave has always enjoyed is traveling and the people he has met in various countries. It is amazing how similar our hopes and needs are, no matter the environment. He first got involved with UU in Boca Ratan, Florida because they were not so rigid as other faiths and to his own view of Christianity. He was there for seven years and served on the Board before moving to Ashland, Oregon where he joined the UU Church and again served on their Board. So naturally Dave is joining UUCS where he feels comfortable.