Dick Burkhart

Dick lives in Seattle and took early retirement 20 years ago from applied mathematics and scientific computing at Boeing — for a second career as a UU-type global citizen. Yet Dick also intended to squeeze in plenty of hiking, backpacking, and biking, along with a democracy-oriented computing project. Well, he’s finishing that project (an innovative Clustering Algorithm for Proportional Representation). Dick has hiked the Pacific Crest Trail and tandem biked for global democracy in Europe, the Americas, and India.

A life-long UU, he joined the board of UUs for a Just Economic Community, leading their 2014 Study Action Issue on Escalating Inequality and their 2019 Action of Immediate Witness on the Green New Deal. Now, Dick is energized to oppose the serious damage caused by ideological extremism and cancel culture, nationally and within the UUA itself, finding kindred spirits at the UU Multiracial Unity Action Council.

His partner, Mona Lee, is quite an activist in her own right, while his three accomplished daughters are Thai-American from his first marriage and have spent two years volunteering in Laos.