Kate Stigdon

All Kate’s life she has worked in the visual arts as self-employed. Graphic design and illustration, painting, sculpture, printmaking and more. Then for 20 years she enjoyed being a professional face painter in Oregon. Kate’s adult years were at the advent of the digital age, and so she had to diversify in order to make ends meet. Artist work blended well, also, with her choice to have a family and two wonderful daughters who now live in Seattle.

Kate would have to say she gets more curious with age. She’s an avid ‘overthinker’ and does a lot of ‘inner work’.

“The unexplored life is not worth living”


A little extreme, but pretty true.

The urgent need to reduce fossil fuel emissions is her passion, and one of her assemblages on fracking (and its exploitations) is exhibited here in Spokane. Her hobbies include writing a book, composing music, playing the piano, singing, making or ‘fixing’ something, gathering berries, a little badminton, and lively conversation.

It was in the late ‘90’s while living in Portland, that Kate first discovered Unitarian Universalism. When she was headed to Spokane in 2019, she went on line and was happy to find this church with others aligned together in respect, love and tolerance for life and diversity.