Lani Prell

Lani’s current vocation is being the business owner of Cognition Quest Resources. She spends most of her day working on a new website for her business and taking classes to learn web development and graphic design. She also has other educational interests, and research interests, such as psychology, politics, and science. Her hobbies are exercise, reading, writing, and gardening. She also enjoys walking and hiking.

Lani loves animals and needs another dog. Both her dogs died last year. She does have a very precocious, kitty, Ki Ki, who is one year old. Lani was raised in the Unitarian Church in Riverside, CA. She has been Unitarian her whole life. It is a very valued and important part of her emotional, intellectual and social makeup. Lani loves being a Unitarian. She is very grateful to Todd and this Congregation and is very pleased to be here.