Dan McLay

Dan is 70. He grew up in the Detroit area. His family helped settle that city starting in 1701.

Dan got started in political activism in 1967 when he was 15. He comes by it honestly. His great uncle was U.S. Vice President during World War II. The youngest signer of the U.S. Constitution is his 8 time great-grandfather. His parents were in the Pacific navy in WWII and his step uncles were kamikaze pilots.

Pete Seeger used to stay at Dan’s grandparents’ house in Detroit. His grandfather was personal friends with Henry Ford. His grandmother was personal friends with Rosa Parks.

Dan was a member of UUCS from 1984 to 2000. He has 12 years sober in AA and has been married and divorced twice. He’s a retired registered nurse of 33 years. He was really sick for three years and a year ago Dan became a vegetarian and cured himself.

Dan has three adult kids who were raised in the UUCS, and four grandkids. He’s a senior DJ. He works for Project Joy. He rides bicycles, kayaks, paddle boards and snowboards as well as camps in his new travel trailer. Dan has lived in hippie communes, climbed a 14,000-foot mountain, flown airplanes, hitchhiked across America, been in prison in Scotland and worked on a Detroit auto assembly line. He has been arrested multiple times. Dan currently lives in an apartment with a roommate. Dan says of himself,

“Just another baby boomer life.”