October 2022

Our special collection for the month of October will be for the Carl Maxey Center.

It is an opportunity to not only recognize the Center’s important work but also to honor community activist and Black Lens founder Sandy Williams for her important contributions to our community.

The Carl Maxey Center (CMC) is a Black-led and Black-centered non-profit, 501(c)3 organization, based in the East Central neighborhood of Spokane. CMC is a neighborhood cultural center and gathering place as well as a community-based organization that provides programs and services focused on addressing the needs of Spokane’s African American Community.

The mission of the Carl Maxey Center is to inspire, empower, uplift, and advocate for Spokane’s Black community. Its vision is to be a model for building generational wealth, educational excellence, justice, and cultural vibrancy. 

If this ministry speaks to you, we invite you to give generously.

If you’d like to contribute to this special collection, you may do so when it is announced during services, mail a check to the church (4340 West Whistalks Way, Spokane, WA 99224) or donate online. Be sure to note in the memo section that your contribution is for the September special collection.

Take me to the online donation page.

Thanks again for your kindness and generosity!