Well, everybody is hopping around the church office. We’re all very busy! And I have so much to do that music is running out my ears!
In our regular December services you will hear the Mixed Choir singing some fun holiday music on December 4 and 18. On December 11 we are being serenaded by a wonderful Flute Trio, so don’t miss any of it!
We will be doing two Solstice services this year—both on the same day, December 21. This, of course, is the true date of this year’s Mid-Winter Solstice. We will have our Zoom online service at 4:00 p.m. for those of you who may want or need to stay home and still want to celebrate this yearly occasion. The Zoom link will be published on our website. Remember, you can share it with family and friends!

We will do our in-person version here at the church at 7:00 p.m. If you are coming to the in-person service, please plan to be here by 6:15 p.m. at the latest. We open the church doors at 6:30 p.m. and start the service promptly at 7:00 p.m. In previous years we have had a full parking lot and lines of people waiting to get in before 6:30 p.m., so do get here in time to get a good seat.

I decided not to advertise this service out in the community this year because of COVID-19 and the other viruses that have plagued us of late. Hopefully this will cut down on overcrowding. This year we are asking that people be masked when in attendance to make things a bit safer. If you feel at all ill prior to the in-person service, please stay home and participate in the Zoom service instead!
I would like to say that is it so exciting to be doing that in-person service! I have been working with our Solstice Singers, the choral group that sings this service, since early September. We could use some more volunteers for Solstice. So if you’d like to help, please see me on Sunday, Dec. 4!
Deb Jacquemin,
Your Music Director