Greetings from the UUCS Sunday Zoomers

On behalf of all of us who are enjoying the Zoom services from Spokane, we want to say a big thank you and to offer our best wishes for the holidays and the New Year. You have provided us the opportunity to develop and support a growing online congregation (see graph of attendance trends below). We realize that it is very easy for us on Zoom, because you in Spokane do almost all the work of making the service happen, and for this we are grateful. We are confident that we will find ways to “do our share” financially and through volunteering where online participation is enough.

In the New Year, we are moving the service to a different Zoom URL: We are doing this to allow more immediate access to the services for attendees, rather than having to be admitted through a Zoom waiting room.

Spokane folk are, of course, more than welcome to join via Zoom whenever you find it more convenient or you’re out of town. If you know people who used to attend but have moved away, do share the link with them.

Many Unitarian Universalists are concerned about the draft statement that could replace our principles and sources and the decrease in democratic process at the UUA. Your congregation is sometimes the first place someone has had the chance to talk to others about their concerns. Thank you!

Best wishes from your UU Spokane Sunday Zoom Hosts – Terry Anderson, John Smith, Mary Bennett and Stephen Polmar