Holiday Scam Alert

It’s the holiday season and scammers are out in full force. Your savvy is our best defense! Many new scam texts, emails and phone calls have been circulating. These scams appear to come from UUCS members, staff and Rev. Todd that are requesting help or a favor, money or gift cards (usually Amazon). Please do not respond, reply to or forward any message in Todd’s name, or any UUCS staff member that ask for money or gift cards, or help or favors. Just delete them!

We will never ask for money, gift cards or favors nor will we ask for help in this manner. Remember that any emails coming from UUCS STAFF are from our email accounts, emergency all church emails come from If it seems suspicious, it more than likely is suspicious! Does it seem like it comes from a fellow church member? Call them to double check, chances are they need to be alerted if it is a scam. We have been diligent in reporting all scam emails to the Department of Commerce, Google, and the FBI. If you have any concerns about an email you have received, please send us a separate email message.