Annual Endowment Luncheon

Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 12:30 p.m. at UUCS

Are you curious about the history of the UUCS Endowment? Do you want to know how it works to ensure a robust future for our church? If so, please join us on January 22, 2023 at 12:30 p.m. after the second service. Your Endowment Team will be providing a soup lunch and an update on the fund: Its history, recent management changes, the annual distributions which contribute to our church budget, and how you can donate to the fund.

Membership in the UUCS Legacy Society honors those making a current gift of $1,000 or more or who plan to make an estate gift in their wills. In most years, we’ve held an endowment luncheon in January for contributing and prospective members, but that tradition was paused during the pandemic. This will be our first in-person luncheon in two years.

January in Spokane promises to be cold, and we’ll be offering hot soup and warm conversation!

Questions? Contact Karen Dorn Steele and Mary Giannini, Endowment Team co-chairs.