Board of Trustees Nominations

The Nominating Committee, consisting of Nancy Avery, Bette Brattebo and Jan Wingenroth will be contacting church members soon to fill four positions on the Board of Trustees. One position will be a 1-year term to fill the vacancy following Darl Vander Linden’s resignation, the other three are three-year terms. We will also need to fill one position on the Nominating Committee, a 3-year commitment.  Congregants will vote on these positions at the annual meeting in June.

Board Member Description: The role of a Board Member is to serve as an elected representative of the Congregation ensuring that our governance policies reflect our mission and vision. Each Trustee serves a 3-year term with an opportunity to serve two consecutive terms. The Board of Trustees holds a minimum of 10 monthly meetings throughout the fiscal year, and together they plan and execute  our Annual Congregational Meeting in June. A Board Member/Senior Minister Retreat occurs early in the term for fellowship and for learning more about the role of church leaders in governance.

Questions? Contact Nancy Avery (, Bette Brattebo ( or Jan Wingenroth (