Problem Solvers Needs Participants

The Monday Problem Solvers group needs participants to continue meeting. Since COVID-19 we’ve been meeting by Zoom. To resume meeting in person a new facilitator is needed. WHO? YOU? Mondays precludes a lot of working people from joining in, so generally it’s an older crowd.

Even if you are not interested in facilitating, we welcome you to join the discussions. Our Zoom link for Mondays from 10:00 a.m. to noon is always the same: Check it out.

Originally Mickey Thompson led the group in person at UUCS with discussions of national, international, and world importance. These days it is a bit more mellow with people just catching up on their week, sharing more personal issues, and talking about national, etc. issues if someone wants to bring up a subject. This last week for instance, there were discussions on climate change, energy production, and the impact on the human species.

Discussions can go any direction. A few laughs are inevitable. Join us from 10:00 a.m. to noon. Late comers welcome.

Questions? Contact Leonard Butters at 509 448 9688 or Ann Donahue at 509 474 9801.