Tom Mosher’s Take on “How the Unitarian Universalist Church Melted Down”

Hi fellow UUCS members/friends,

The current direction of the UUA issue is highlighted in this podcast by Katie Herzog, a podcaster with a broad audience.

As a long-time friend of Rev. Eklof, a member of UUCS, and one who reviewed/commented on an early draft of Todd’s The Gadfly Papers, I can affirm that Todd’s early comment to me was that he “wished to start a conversation” about the direction of the UUA — WOW, has he succeeded! I don’t have a lot of time to devote to sitting and listening — this is the first podcast of any sort to which I have listened — but, this content is spellbinding … whether one is a UU or not. This travesty of monumental redirection of the UUA from its traditional values is well documented, starting in the the 1960s.

Tom Mosher, member
UU Church of Spokane for 55 years

Start at minute 23 of this podcast led by an outstanding young journalist Katie Herzog. Based on talking to many UUs, but especially Rev. Kate Rohde and Rev. Dr. Todd Eklof — a welcome contrast to Sarah Skochko, whose nasty videos have a cameo role.

Take me to the podcast.