From Tom Mosher

Approve or reject the UUA proposed revision to Article II of the UUA Bylaws???

You can be the judge regarding the case made by Ken Ing as to where the UUA proposed Bylaw Article II revision will lead. Ing’s presentation will take nearly an hour of your time; but, if you care about UUism … you will find that hour.

This video, by Ken Ing, carefully describes, using multiple documents, that the actual goal of the proposed Article II revision is to transform unitarian universalism from a liberal religion into an illiberal religion, erasing both congregational polity and the right of conscience. This would be accomplished by enforceable “covenants”, with denominational authorities acting as judge and jury, interpreting ambiguous words in doctrinaire ways:

Unfortunately, it appears that many in the UUA leadership want to turn the current cancel culture, as instigated by the bigotry of certain notorious individuals but enforced by the UUMA and MFC, into a permanent inquisition. This is the danger to which Ken Ing points.