On Brain Heath from Tom Mosher

As many of you know, Mary, my wife and life partner since high school, our children and I are on an Alzheimer’s journey, and have been for the last seven or so years.

You also may know, 1 out of 3 persons will directly or indirectly experience the impact of some form of dementia — 80% of which dementia is Alzheimer’s. Currently, there is no cure for Alzheimer’s — only some recent prospects of slowing the progress of the disease. However, extensive research is in progress.

We have participated in two clinical drug trials. Mary and I have been in various cognitive testing studies. Our reasons for participating in these trials and programs is to be part of the solution in hopes that our children and grandchildren will benefit. I have just participated in a saliva test associated with the BrainHealth Registry Gene Pool Study, wherein information reflecting my brain becomes part of a database that is an integral part of the research that will ultimately lead to a cure of Alzheimer’s. I urge you to also participate in this study, as it will be part of the cure that could impact you, your children and grandchildren — contact for information.

Take me to the BrainHealth Registry website.
Questions? Contact Tom Mosher at tgmosher@gmail.com.