2023 Annual Meeting — Congregational Vote on NAUA Affiliation

Six months ago, Todd announced the formation of the North American Unitarian Association (NAUA). In his December 4, 2022 sermon, Todd spoke about the need in liberal churches for this new organization:

“The first thing we need is to regularly be reminded that we are not alone in the world and that we remain part of something meaningful that is larger than us and our local congregations. We need to remain part of a liberal religion with a rich history, deep roots, and essential values.

“We also need an organization wherein we are free to speak and think for ourselves, and are never censured, punished, or ostracized for doing so. We need to be part of a community in which we can be great friends with people who have different ideas and identities than our own.”

Today, NAUA is providing individuals and churches in the U.S. and Canada with an association dedicated to promoting liberalism and humanistic ideals, and to support those individuals and organizations in furtherance of these goals. NAUA now has its own website and the Liberal Beacon, a monthly online magazine. NAUA offers educational opportunities through the NAUA Academy and monthly in-person and online worship services to its members. Liberal ministers have formed a ministerial support group that is also developing a referral system so that UU congregations in search for a minister can identify individuals who truly support traditional Unitarian values, such as freedom, reason, tolerance, and the worth and dignity of every person.

Earlier this year our Board of Trustees sent out a survey to the congregation asking for member feedback about UUCS becoming a congregational member of the NAUA. The Board is very thankful to all who responded to the survey for expressing their opinions and concerns. Of the 112 members who responded, 92% voted Yes to UUCS joining with NAUA. A small percentage of respondents either were Unsure or voted No. The Board of Trustees strongly supports our church becoming a NAUA congregational member. They believe being part of a larger community whose values are consistent with our own is vital to the life of our church. However, it is the congregation who is given the authority in our Bylaws to decide whether our church will officially become a member of any new organization.

At last year’s Annual Meeting, a major revision of our Bylaws was approved by the congregation. Included in that revision was an addition to Article I, Section 5, in which it now states “Initiation or withdrawal of UUCS membership in the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), or any other organization, shall be determined by at least two-thirds majority approval of Members in attendance at a duly convened Congregational Meeting. It is the Board’s hope that members in attendance at the upcoming Annual Meeting will formally approve UUCS’s membership in the North American Unitarian Association.