October 2023

Our special collection for this month will be for Spokane Aids Network. SAN provides support and services for the HIV+ and greater LGBTQIA+ community through Peer/Social Support, HOPWA Housing, HIV Prevention to include in house testing, mail out testing and PrEP Navigation, SAN Food Pantry open to the public and safe space events. SAN participates in Spokane PRIDE events along with many other community based events like our Red Ribbon Gala, Drag on Ice, Red Dress Party, AIDS Walk and World AIDS Day. Every December, SAN distributes its Holiday Boxes to about 200 households to include those LGBTQIA+ seniors in need. We work with local organizations to nominate individuals in need and to also solicit donations to support this program.

SAN has been fortunate to secure 2 contracts. Our first one starts on October 1, 2023 to provide HOPWA (housing of persons with AIDS) housing support.Our second contact, which is Ryan White based (HIV funding) through the Department of Health starts on January 1, 2024. These contacts will help us to build our HIV related programs while allowing other funding (donations & grants) to fund our other programs. During this initial time, donations are crucial to SAN to keep us going due to these contacts being fee for service, paid back as reimbursements.

If this ministry speaks to you we invite you to give generously.

If you’d like to contribute to this special collection, you may do so when it is announced during services on the third Sunday of the month, by mailing a check to the church (4340 West Whistalks Way, Spokane, WA 99224) or by donating online at the church website. Be sure to note in the memo section that your contribution is for the May special collection.

Take me to the online donation page.

Thanks again for your kindness and generosity!