A Personal Invitation from Tom Mosher

As a long-time member of UUCS, I’d like to personally invite all those who can, especially our local live-streamers, to consider attending our Sunday services in-person when possible. I, like many others, miss seeing and talking with you, and enjoying the added vibrancy you bring to our gatherings.

There is a lot of visiting between services and after the second service. Not only is there coffee, tea and hot chocolate; but, more and more often there are cookies and samples of homemade bread – and whole loaves for sale! There are currently Partner Church displays and soon we will be having displays of art for viewing and for purchase. Our Social Justice Council table of events and activities invites your involvement. Weekly updates of our important Generosity Campaign, NOURISHING LIBERAL RELIGIOUS HOME, are on display. There is also interaction with Todd, Church leaders and guest speakers. There is the pleasure of enjoying in person Madeline’s wonderful musical talents and singing along with your fellow congregants and choir.

Please join us in person on Sunday mornings for an enjoyable Sunday morning alongside your fellow UUCS friends.

Tom Mosher, Member since 1969