Stephanie Samson and Ilona Terts from Budapest visited Felsőrákos for Transylvanian Thanksgiving, September 29 and spent about 5 days there. In preparation she held a zoom call with Rev. Mónika, Szabolcs Kerekes and the Joses on September 9. We learned that Mónika’s installation as minister was a touching, 3-hour ceremony that brought the community closer together. There were many guests, including the bishop. A few days later the Kerekes’ were able to get away to the Black Sea shore for a few days vacation, a rarity for them. During our call the church bells began to ring and Mónika went outside to see why, discovering that there was a fire in an outbuilding. The entire village was alerted and brought water to put it out. Some of the traditional ways still work well!
During the summer, Mónika and the youth group organized a week long day camp for children. Recently, she held a Sunday service dedicated to family in which children participated. It was followed by lunch for all and team games where adults mixed with kids on each team. They said it was very successful day.
Regarding the building repairs, they have replaced four windows in the meeting room. The church ceiling and really the whole building needs renovating. It will take time.

Stephanie has proceeded with making a stole for Mónika as our installation gift. It is being professionally embroidered with three symbols, the N. American UU chalice, the Transylvanian dove and snake and a 4-heart design from Westminster UUC. Westminster & INUUC have each contributed $50, and UUCS $100. She showed it at Westminster’s service on September 22.
Stephanie also took a suitcase full of T-shirts from UUCS: OWL and Camp Starwheel to distribute to members of the congregation. We eagerly await the stories and information she’ll bring on her return. Many thanks for helping sustain this partnership!