February 11, 2025

In preparation for our annual partner church service on March 2, 2025, Jerry and Julie Jose enjoyed a Skype call with the Rev. Mónika Kerekes and her husband, Szabolcs. Her emphasis on building community in their congregation and village was in full swing during the Christmas season. Twenty-five homes lit windows in a village-wide advent calendar, the children made Christmas decorations and sold them in an outdoor fair, which included hot mulled wine and traditional onion/bacon fat sandwiches. New this year was lighting an outdoor advent wreath with singing and a short program each week.

After the holidays the Kerekeses treated members of the Board and their families (more than 40 people) to a festive thank-you dinner for their work throughout the year. Next comes a week-long program for couples who are celebrating 20, 30, 40, 65 year anniversaries, followed by a special Sunday where they will renew their vows. Mónika reports that there are 12 young teens in her weekly confirmation classes, who enjoy the time together and want to stay later. Confirmation, the Sunday before Easter, allows them to join the older youth group. There are four youths who have joined the Board in a learning status. After a year or two they may be appointed as members.

They sent us a photo of their family with son Zádor and a photo of four of the scholarship students receiving their funds ($300) at Christmas. See them on the church walls with the colorful textiles.

We learned that they light a candle in honor of our partnership each Sunday, and they sent us a similar candle. We will light it on March 2 and follow the service with a Hungarian lunch celebrating 35 years of partnership. The service will feature highlights from the feast day last August when Rev. Mónika was installed as the first woman minister in Felsőrákos amid traditional festivities.