Hey Everybody
Our next potluck will be on Sunday, March 16. We have been receiving many compliments from our church members regarding our monthly potlucks and of course, the compliments go right back to the Members themselves, without you, there would be no food, but mostly we wouldn’t be together to share. Thank you all.
For those of you who have missed, I hope you will find your way to us after second service and not miss out again. It would be nice too if you brought some food or not, that’s ok we share. You can always just bring some chips or whatever. Bring whatever you want, bring food, bring a friend. But most importantly bring yourselves.
So in March we will switch the food assignments. A through M bring a a side dish, salad or dessert, etc. and N through Z, bring a main dish … capisce? There will be lots of goodies and good cheer. Bring whatever you can, bring food, bring a friend. But most importantly bring yourself.
The Social Activities Team has lots of UU Community Events upcoming. In April we are planning the annual dinner, which will actually be an annual luncheon in lieu of the Monthly Potluck. That will be on Sunday, April 6, 2023. This luncheon is our thank you to the congregation and the April pledge month kickoff. This will be a full sit down luncheon complete with wine, and dessert: the whole shebang. Catered by yours truly, the Social Activities Team.
We all do best when we can be together. We look forward to seeing all of you at our next potluck on March 16 2025 at 12:30 p.m. at UUCS.
We provide the place, all of us bring the food … all of us bring fellowship.
Social Team: Michelle, Lynn, and Lani.
Questions? Contact Lani Prell at uucssat@gmail.com or 509-558-9357.