Todd’s 2022–2023 Generosity Letter

Dear UUCS Friend,

The grass is greening, trees are beginning to bud, and other plants are now emerging from the warming soil. We too are emerging from the stillness of winter, ready to spring to life again by becoming more active outdoors, in our yards, in the sunshine, enjoying the sounds of new life and the sight of new colors and creatures as we go about the business of our lives and the enjoyment of living.

Springtime is also the time of year we hold our annual generosity campaign during which we ask you to continue your support of our congregation by making a pledge. The goal of this year’s campaign is $361,000. That’s a big number, but not much more than we’ve achieved in the past and, working together, is an amount we can reasonably expect to reach.

Church budgets are like stone soup: When everyone gives some of what they have, it adds up to plenty for everyone. It’s not unlike the moral of the story about Jesus feeding thousands with only a few fish and a couple of loaves. When everyone shares something, there’s more than enough to go around. Sharing equals abundance. We currently have about 360 members. If each member contributed only $20 a month, we’d have $86,400, nearly 25 percent of our goal. So, no matter how much you currently contribute, please consider increasing your pledge by just a few dollars each month, which together will make a huge difference!

“Let it be a Dance we Do,” the theme of this year’s generosity campaign, is the perfect metaphor for what it means to part of a Unitarian Universalist church. It means moving together in our own unique ways to accomplish our common goals. It means being part of a community that accepts and embraces our individuality, and individuals who support our community’s shared ministry. Admittedly, a community based upon a fundamental commitment to individuality is a bit of an oxymoron, but we somehow make it work, no matter how wild and sometimes awkward our dancing is.
I thank you for inviting me to be on the dancefloor with you, for all the love and support you have given me over the years, and for your continued support and generosity toward our historic congregation. Let it be a dance we do!


Rev. Dr. Todd F. Eklof
UUCS Minister

Take me to the pledge form so I can contribute to the campaign.