Submissions to our publications are a welcome part of being a participating member of our congregation. Types of submissions encouraged include upcoming activities or events, information for special services, or news from one of our teams, groups or members. Please remember that we only publish for events and topics that are UU specific, or connected strongly to UU values, church interests and/or projects (i.e. community partner events). Information on church members of any kind is always welcome. We DO NOT allow at any time articles of personal opinions/editorials, advertising of private businesses or promotion of political candidates.  All submissions are subject to review by church staff and leadership for approval.

  • For ALL submissions, please make sure that your information is complete and correct.
  • Be sure to edit and finalize your information before submitting it.
  • Be sure your submission follows the publication specific guidelines.
  • Be sure your submission includes contact information to be published with your article.
  • Accuracy is the responsibility of the contributor.
  • Submissions are subject to editing or clarification, including length, and appropriateness determined by the UUCS editor and staff.

NEW GUIDELINES– Weekly SUUN Newsletter- Guidelines for submitting:

The purpose of the weekly SUUN newsletter is primarily to communicate about our ministry, philosophy and events and activities of UUCS. The SUUN sets a tone and serves as an introduction to our church, publicizing opportunities, sharing events and inspiration for how we live out our UU principles. It is a weekly publication in order to communicate accurate, timely information regarding church notices, announcements, save the date, activities, upcoming events and occasional reports.

Submission Deadline: Each Wednesday by 3:00 p.m.

Guidelines: Please make sure that your submission is 250 words or less, text only, typed or copied into this form. Make sure that your article is complete, edited and free of typos. Your article may not be included if you are missing information, last minute edits may not be available after the deadline. If you have an image or logo to include, please attach it as a separate image file (small jpeg or png) at the bottom of the form. If you are submitting for an event, include title, time, date and location. Remember to include contact information. All submissions are subject to editing.  If you have a longer version of your submission, you may consider submitting it to the Congregation News and/or Upcoming Events sections of the website.

Announcements: Announcements will run for two weeks. All Announcements should have a title and a brief description. An example of an announcement would be “the Nomination Team is seeking Board nominations – check out our website for application and guidelines”. Other announcements may include special church fundraisers, Wheel of Life (birth, death, marriage, member specific family announcements, etc.), UU Helping Hand (community need) submissions, or other similar announcements at the discretion of the administrative team. All announcements should include a contact name and email or phone number.

Upcoming Events: Events in this category will be promoted up to three weeks prior to the event. This could be a special event or a special meeting of a church team or group. Upcoming Events should have a title, date, time, location, contact information and brief description. If there is a longer description, a link can be provided to a website or flier. All upcoming events should include a contact name and email or phone number. If there is a longer description, a link can be provided to a website or flier.

Save the Date: Events in this category will be published two to four months out. Save the Dates are limited to church events that happen at infrequent times (i.e. retreats, annual dinner, fundraiser). Events should have a title, date, time and contact information.

Questions? Please email: suun@uuspokane

SUUN Submission Form – CLICK HERE