Little Free Pantry at UUCS

Our Unitarian Universalist Church has joined hands with Growing Neighbors and now has a Little Free Pantry onsite. This neighborhood resource helps those dealing with food insecurity. It provides a safe place, free of judgement to come and get a little extra food when in need. UUCS has long committed to being a place that helps those less fortunate in our community. From participating in Bite to Go and fundraising for 2nd Harvest, we now can stock our own Little Free Pantry with non perishable food items to help our neighbors and people in our community.
Shadle Park Presbyterian Church Growing Neighbors Director- John Edmondson, provided the guidance and information to assist in this endeavor. The pantry was donated (built by a volunteer woodworker). John assisted UUCS Member Julieann Morse, in delivery and installation of this the well-built and nice looking Little Free Pantry (LFP).
“Take what you need.
Give what you can.
Growing Neighbors builds, fills and supports
Little Free Pantries.”
2nd Harvest no longer picks up our donated food items. They prefer to have cash donations only from small local organizations. Since we still have neighbors requesting support this Little Free Pantry provides an accessible option for resources. We will now collect food donations from members who are able to do so and restock the pantry with items listed below. You can leave items in the donation box in the foyer or place directly into the Little Free Pantry. Please try to donate unopened and unexpired nonperishable foods only.
• Canned fruits and vegetables
• Canned or boxed juices
• Boxed mashed potatoes
• Dried fruit
• Peanut Butter
• Canned meat (ham, chicken, tuna, etc.)
• Hearty soups (chili, stews, etc.)
• Macaroni and cheese
• Boxed dinners
• Beans (kidney, pinto, navy, black, refried, etc.)
• Pasta
• Rice
• Healthy cereals (low sugar and fat)
• Flour
• Baking mixes
• Stuffing mixes
• Oatmeal
• Cream of wheat
Other helpful items might be feminine products, baby formula, new and unopened hygiene products.
More Information:
- Little Free Pantry Locations: Check the map