Author: AdminUUCS

Partner Church Virtual Dinner

The final big event at our church last year was the partner church dinner in early March. Here it is, time to celebrate that connection again, and we still can’t gather in person. So, we suggest another way to keep our partners in mind. How … read more.

Submitted November 2, 2020

Dear Jerry, Julie and Team,

How are you? How is the weather over there? The air has cooled here and the first frosty days are slowly arriving. We also try to smuggle something varied in congregation life. We organized Old People’s Sunday two weeks ago. Many … read more.

Submitted November 15, 2020

We witnessed a historic event yesterday, as we connected the water to the priest’s apartment yesterday. One of the board members, Fitori Zoltán helped with the work, I enclose some pictures.

The good news is that the village has been done installing the water pipes and … read more.

Upcoming Virtual Children’s Chapel

Join us on Sunday, February 21, at 10:00 a.m. for another virtual children’s chapel! We will build community and do some hands-on activities to explore the power of positive mindset. The service is geared toward children 4–12 and their caregivers, but all are welcome.

Questions? Please … read more.

A Workshop with Irshad Manji

Recipient of Oprah Winfrey’s first Chutzpah Award for boldness, Irshad Manji is the author of Don’t Label Me: An Incredible Conversation for Divided Times and is the founder of Moral Courage College, which teaches people how to do the right thing in the face of … read more.

February 4, 2021

Well, Rev. Todd has done it again! Last week he spoke on prayer—and would you believe that in over 30 years as your Music Director, no settled minister in our church had given a sermon on that topic before??? I was searching for music about … read more.

January 28, 2021

Prayer—not something I am usually thinking about in a UU church like ours! I applaud Rev. Todd for bringing it up and can’t wait to hear what he says about it! My first thought was that we do NOT have much musically which references that … read more.

January 21, 2021

This week, at long last, we will hear music from our in-house duo, Peggy Eklof & Kelly LaGrutta! I say at long last because the service for this week was first postponed from mid-December to the end of December, when tech difficulties made it impossible … read more.

January Special Collection

Our focus this month will be on the homeless. We have selected four organizations that provide needed resources for our community members who do not have permanent shelter. There is also a donation box at the church, so if you can’t donate money you can … read more.