Author: AdminUUCS

Virtual Children’s Chapel on Sundays

Stephanie Getman Gronholz is delighted to begin her work as the Religious Education Specialist at UUCS. She has worked at a variety of schools for the past 15 years — at large high schools and middle schools in Denver, a small parent partnership school in … read more.

Congregational News: December 24, 2020 Edition

Candace Schmidt has been busy

Since the lockdown last March Candace Schmidt has involved herself in several projects to keep busy, including organizing her garage and taking up sewing after a 30-year break. She has always admired well-ordered garages, but never had one, until now! … read more.

December 23, 2020

Our Zoom Winter Solstice service was a success!!! 

Many thanks to our Narrator, Ann Wenger, who did such a great job of telling the story so clearly and communicating its intent. Our readers were also wonderfully clear—and I especially liked the variety in their voices. Bravo … read more.

About the Winter Solstice Singing Ritual

The Longest Night is right around the corner and so is our Winter Solstice Singing Ritual!!  The official date is Monday, December 21st and we are having the ritual that evening at 7pm.  You will get a special email from the church with the link … read more.

Todd’s Thoughts June 2020

I woke up this morning with two bits of information before me. One was the memory of a dream I had during the night in which I was describing an actual interview I’d seen on the Today show between host Bryant Gumbel and economist John … read more.

Todd’s Thoughts April 2020

On Friday March 3rd, in response to the recommendations of health officials, I made the decision to cancel services, events, and meetings at our church for at least three weeks. I’m glad I did. Social distancing and isolation have been shown to immediately flatten the … read more.

Todd’s Thoughts January 2020

How about a 10-million-dollar endowment? Sound crazy? Sound impossible? A short time ago some thought I was crazy suggesting we strive for a half million-dollar endowment fund. Thanks to much generosity, we’re now well on our way toward a million. I used to think endowments … read more.