Author: AdminUUCS

Todd’s Thoughts – December 2019

As Daniel Patrick Moynihan famously said, “You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.” I recently ran into some interesting facts you might be interested to know. In 2018, membership in the Unitarian Universalist Association grew for … read more.

Todd’s Thoughts – November 2019

Zeno, the founder of Stoicism in 300 BCE, taught that our virtue is the greatest good because it’s the only thing that’s useful in all circumstances. I take this to mean it is our moral values that hold us steady, even when change, chaos, and … read more.

Todd’s Thoughts – October 2019

In The Gadfly Papers I speak of the historic and unresolved theological differences between Unitarianism and Universalism. Unitarianism is rooted in humanistic, rationalistic, nontheistic, and nonsectarian values. Universalism has been more traditionally theistic and sectarian in its approach, especially when it comes to worship. These … read more.

Todd’s Thoughts – September 2019

“Freedom of the pulpit,” is a phrase I’ve been hearing much in recent weeks and want to discuss a bit about what it means and why it’s meaningful in Unitarian Universalism. Most everyone has heard of the Protestant Reformation, which began in 1517 when Martin … read more.

Todd’s Thoughts – August 2019

Reason, freedom of conscience, and uplifting our common humanity. These are the principles that drew me to Unitarian Universalism and still bind me to it. These were the principles that caused me to stop performing weddings fifteen years ago, in defiance of State laws prohibiting … read more.

Todd’s Thoughts June 2019

In his 2013 book, Regaining Balance, Michael Werner, a Unitarian Universalist and past President of the American Humanist Association, writes, “Unitarian Universalism has been taken over by a narrow ideology of toleration, the historical focus on rational religion has been abandoned, and the lack of … read more.

Todd’s Thoughts May 2019

We recently postponed a special congregational meeting to decide whether or not to show a controversial film, “Occupation of the American Mind,” that some in our local Jewish community considered anti-Semitic. We did so, out of respect, given our meeting was supposed to occur only … read more.

Todd’s Thoughts April 2019

April not only marks the beginning of Spring, but also our annual generosity campaign, during which we ask our members to commit a specific amount to help support next year’s budget. This year we’re trying something a little different. Firstly, we’re asking you to consider … read more.

Todd’s Thoughts March 2019

Folks have been curious about what I did during my month-long sabbatical, so I though I’d take this opportunity to give you all the juicy details. Peggy and I spent the first weekend in Leavenworth, WA, a small Bavarian style village. We were able to … read more.

Todd’s Thoughts January 2019

Beginning January 21st, I’ll be taking a brief, month long sabbatical. This is a common practice in the Unitarian Universalist churches. In general, UU ministers take a 4-6 month sabbatical every five years. I’ve been at UUCS more than seven years and have opted not … read more.