Author: AdminUUCS

Todd’s Thoughts December 2018

When I was a child the Internet was called the “Sears Roebuck Catalog,” and I couldn’t wait for it to arrive free each year just in time for Christmas. Mom used it to pick new school
clothes for my siblings and me, to replace those … read more.

Todd’s Thoughts November 2018

Fall is upon us and the mornings already greet us with a chill. The political and social situation in our country also gives us chills. So does climate change, and the rise of authoritarian leaders around the world. It light of such big concerns, it’s … read more.

Todd’s Thoughts October 2018

Our Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East team is planning to host a public showing of the 2016 documentary, The Occupation of the American Mind, about how the Israeli and U.S. government, along with the pro-Israel lobby shape American media coverage of the … read more.

Todd’s Thoughts, September 2018

As I write this article, I’ve only just returned from my second trip to visit our Partner Church in Felsorakos, Romania. I saw old friends and made some new. I visited familiar sites and some places I’d never been, including the fortress where Unitarian founder, … read more.

Todd’s Thoughts, August 2018

The instruction to “love everyone,” seems like a tall order. I won’t name names, but there are some people in this world it seems nearly impossible to love. Yet there’s a difference between loving and liking. It’s possible to love those we don’t like, and … read more.

Todd’s Thoughts, July 2018

In these troubling times, magnified by our government’s kidnapping, incarceration, and abuse of children, there’s a glimmer of hope. When Attorney General Jeff Sessions attempted to justify this diabolical policy by quoting the Bible, he prompted a swift rebuke from his own church and some … read more.

Todd’s Thoughts, June 2018

Subjectify > Objectify > Moralize. I’ve come to recognize this as the threefold process through which most of us seem to feel and think. I say “feel and think” because I’m also convinced emotions and thoughts are part of the same process, that thoughts cause … read more.

Todd’s Thoughts, May 2018

In March 2017 I gave a sermon entitled, “The Measure of All Things,” about Erich Fromm’s notion that, “the sole criterion of ethical value,” should be based on human welfare and the achievement of one’s full potential. I’ve decided to put this theory to the … read more.

Todd’s Thoughts, April 2018

After 911 George W. Bush began using the horrific event as an excuse to attack Iraq, a country that had nothing to do with that terrible day. For months many of us around the nation participated in weekly demonstrations protesting the very notion of a … read more.

Todd’s Thoughts March 2018

Our annual generosity campaign will kick off this month on the 18th and run through April, during which our goal is to raise $408,000 in pledges. It’s a bit higher than last year, but not an unreasonable amount given the level of generosity we’ve come … read more.