Gilgamesh: An Old Story with New Pauses: Part I

The Epic of Gilgamesh was written on clay tablets at least 1500 years before Homer composed The Iliad and The Odyssey. It’s one of the oldest stories in the world, yet its insights into human mortality and human nature remain fresh enough to inspire a … read more.

Conversations with Todd: First Service

During the usual sermon period, Rev. Eklof will respond to live questions about topics he has or hasn’t previously discussed.

Listen to the audio of this sermon.

Climate Change and Climate Action in Spokane

In this guest presentation, Larry Luton, Professor Emeritus of Public Administration at Eastern Washington University and a Board Member of 350 Spokane, will give an overview of climate change in Spokane.  He asks where are we in our work on climate change mitigation, adaptation, sustainability and resilience, and … read more.

Books to Prisoners Spokane

Books to Prisoners Spokane is a small collective connecting incarcerated individuals with reading materials at their request.

They seek to empower people who are incarcerated with access to the books and knowledge they deserve.

The Spokane chapter of BTP was founded in 2016 and collaborates with other … read more.

A Christmas Meditation by John H. Dietrich

Just in time for the holiday, Rev. Eklof will deliver one of John H. Deitrich’s historic sermons from the same pulpit this great figure once occupied. Deitrich, our Spokane congregation’s minister from 1911 to 1916, went on to become known as the Father of Religious … read more.