Todd’s Thoughts February 2018

Our Kerdcera Dojo has been meeting weekly for over six months, during which we’ve had lots of fun, built friendships, and made some important discoveries. Kerdcera (pronounced, curd-car-ah), is a hybridization of two ancient Proto-Indo European words meaning, “heart” and “head.” Since our work combines … read more.

Todd’s Thoughts January 2018


In the U.S. the word “freedom” rings in our ears like the dinner bell of Pavlov’s salivating dogs. It represents an ideal we’ve been conditioned to respond to through our cultural myths about the good intentions of our “founding fathers,” of the countless brave heroes … read more.

Todd’s Thoughts December 2017

As part of our mission and commitment to diversity in our church and our world, we will have an all-church diversity, equity, and inclusion workshop on Saturday, December 9th, from 10:00 a.m. to noon. The workshop will be conducted by members of The Greatness of … read more.

Todd’s Thoughts November 2017

November is upon us, a time we intentionally consider and express gratitude for all we are thankful for. Perhaps this is a taller order than usual considering all the tragedy in the world this past year—hurricanes, earthquakes, mass shootings, the global trend toward rightwing nationalism, … read more.

Todd’s Thoughts September 2017

On Saturday, July 29th (2017), some person or persons spray-glued eight Alt-Right propaganda fliers onto the glass of our outside bulletin board. They were discovered and removed before Sunday morning. Fortunately, other than needing to clean off the glue residue, there wasn’t any vandalism or … read more.

Todd’s Thoughts October 2017

I often say being a successful minister means being one-part Gandhi and one-part Rocky Balboa, remaining compassionate and nonviolent and still be standing at the end of the day. This peculiar juxtaposition now seems necessary for liberals in general as, each day, we’re pummeled by … read more.

Todd’s Thoughts August 2017

Several have been curious about my experience at the Unitarian Universalist Association’s annual General Assembly in New Orleans a few weeks ago. I’ve not said much about it because I’m not quite sure what to say.
I remain concerned about what I consider the error … read more.

Todd’s Thoughts-July 2017

I’m passionate about logic! Love it! I realize, for some, this
seems like an oxymoron because logic is supposed to be
void of emotion, especially emotions as intense as passion
and love. But I would argue that being reasonable is itself
a form of love, … read more.

Todd’s Thoughts-June 2017

June is the final month of our Church year, and I want to take
this opportunity to thank you for all your support, generosity,
and hard work in helping us fulfill the continuing mission
of our church—to create community, to find meaning, and
to work … read more.

Todd’s Thoughts-May 2017

I’ve been a proponent of critical thinking ever since I first studied logic in college 30 years ago. Since then, I’ve often said, “We could solve most the world’s problems in a generation if we started teaching kids critical thinking today.” This is so, I … read more.