Todd’s Thoughts-April 2017

Quick as lightning, the long-armed monkey snatched the keys from my hand, yanking them into its cage. It immediately began biting into my new keyring with its sharp teeth, then started grinding it back and forth against the concrete floor, as if to taunt me. … read more.

Todd’s Thoughts – March 2017

Grace, Wisdom, Strength, and Healing. That’s the simple prayer I say to myself each time I’m about to press a load of heavy weight off my chest. I ask for grace just in case I do something stupid, like risking injury by taking on more than I should. I … read more.

Todd’s Thoughts – February 2017

There is a difference between being direct and being rude, although they often get confused. Statements like, “I disagree,” “I don’t understand where you’re coming from,” “I think you’re wrong,” “That doesn’t seem rational to me,” are honest, not unjust. They don’t imply that any … read more.

This Sunday: Service Change

Dear friends,

I know you must feel as devastated by the unexpected and incomprehensible result of last night’s Presidential election as I do. I feel shock, anger, fear, and so much more. Like you, I’m still processing what just happened and wondering what the real consequences … read more.

Todd’s Thoughts November 2016

I love the winter. I love its overcast skies. I love the bite of its crisp air pinching my exposed cheeks like a doting aunt. I love red noses, Long Johns, and flannel shirts. I love sundown at 3:45 PM. Unlike so many who yearn … read more.

Todd’s Thoughts

Prophetic figures know how to say, “no” and “no more.” We see this happening right now as protesters in North Dakota are gathered with the Standing Rock Sioux to say “no” to another pipeline and “no more” to the fossil fuel industry. The prophet draws … read more.

Welcome to Our New Website

UUCS is up and running on our new, UUA-themed website. Because things look and work differently than the old site, you may want to take some time to poke around and become familiar.

Here are a few pointers:

Looking for something? If you are looking for something … read more.