Community Auction

Community Auction 2024
Welcome to the 2024 UUCS Community Auction! There are so many amazing things to bid on this year. Many different social events and parties, a cabin getaway, delicious homemade meals and treats, handmade jewelry, handcrafts, interesting experiences, tickets, gift certificates and so much more. We are using 32 Auctions as our platform again this year. You will be able to bid on auction items from the comfort of your own home using your computer, tablet or smart phone! UUCS Members & Friends, please check your email the Friday before the auction for the link to our auction (you can browse until Sunday when the auction begins at noon!) or visit our website and click on “Community Auction”. This link will give you access to our auction and serves as an “invite” to join. Using the link, you will be prompted to set up your 32auctions account and then you can bid on all our auction offerings, so simple! We have used this platform the past few years with great results, and we are excited to be able to bring the auction to you this year.
We hope you will join in the fun and participate in the Auction!
The Community Auction is about making connections with other UUs while supporting our church and outreach. It is our church’s biggest fundraiser of the year. It has a twofold purpose: to foster interpersonal connections between members and friends of our church, and to bring in much needed revenue to help fund our valuable in-house programs as well as make funds available for community outreach and action. All proceeds go into the UUCS General Fund.
Now comes the fun part; browse through all the wonderful items that have been donated to the auction this year. Find something you love? Bid away and see what you win! Thank you for participating in the UUCS Auction in 2024.
The auction begins SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10 AT 12 NOON. JOIN the Auction TODAY here:
You will be able to bid on and purchase items until SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10 AT 4 PM!
*Following the end of the auction, once payments have been received, donors will receive a list of who has signed up for their event, item buyer and bid winners. Donors will need to contact winners of their items to arrange pick up, delivery or scheduling. Participants will receive an itemized list of everything they have won/purchased along with the total amount owed to UUCS.
*To pay for your auction items, please include your name and “AUCTION” on your payment. You can either mail a check to UUCS, including “Auction” on the memo line, or use our online payment system by clicking HERE and under “General Donations” enter “Auction” on the “Comments” line.
If you have questions, please email Rebecca at
If you have any questions or need any help please contact Rebecca in the church office by email or by calling 509-325-6383 Monday – Thursday from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.