Adult Enrichment Programs

The Adult Enrichment programs of UUCS are created to support the wider mission of the church to Create Community, Find Meaning and Work for Justice. Our programs are presented for adults to give us the chance to go deeper – intellectually, socially, ethically, and spiritually. Utilizing curriculum recommended by the Unitarian Universalist Association and the expertise of our community and individual members, our goal is to provide quality, relevant and meaningful experiences, instruction and discussion to our adult members.
Many of our groups are currently meeting on ZOOM. Please check your email for the weekly Zoom links email sent to UUCS Members and Friends or contact the meeting host for more information.
Recurring Events
Weekly Events:

Buddhist Meditation – Mondays at 6:30 p.m.
This fall we are starting the 13th year of Tibetan Buddhist Meditation classes taught by nuns from Sravasti Abbey. We are deeply grateful for their willingness to work with us all theses years! We now meet VIA ZOOM. Beginners and drop-ins are always welcome. Each class includes two meditation sessions, homework, discussion/questions, and reflection on the book, “Awaken Every Day” by Thubten Chodron, the abbess of Sravasti Abbey, though it is not necessary to have the book or to have read it. Contact Cindy Cilyo ( for more information.
You only need to register once. If you don’t get a link by late Monday morning, email

Problem Solvers – Mondays at 10:00 a.m.
The Problem Solvers Group meets weekly VIA ZOOM, so bring your coffee and a snack. Because of the meeting time most members are retired. Topics are brought in by each of us. We discuss unsolvable issues and still we talk. We share information about events we’ve attended and those coming up. We are all engaged and active in life! Most are well read and educated. We talk about books read and share titles. Anywhere from 6 to 16 people show up each week. Usually there are 10–12. It is always interesting. A reminder is sent by email to the group.
For more information contact Ann Donahue at
Monthly Events:

Kerdcera Dojo – Most Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m.
The Kerdcera Dojo means, “The practice of heart and mind,” now meets at UUCS and VIA ZOOM. Rev. Dr. Todd Eklof guides participants in the practice of logic and Emotional Intelligence techniques. For the Zoom link, please contact

UUCS Women’s Book Group – Third Thursday of the month at 1:00 p.m.
Watch in the weekly SUUN for monthly reading selections.
Contact MaryAnne Winniford at to be added to the book group email list. New readers are always welcome.

UUCS Poetry Circle – Held the third Sunday of each month Join with us to share in poetry! Have you ever come across, or written (!) a poem that just begs to be shared? Or do you just enjoy listening to poetry? Come be inspired with our new poetry group held the third Sunday of each month in the Chapel following second service from 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. Questions? Please contact: Lynn Jinishian at 509-496-9951 or Lisa Conger at 509-842-4319.
One Session Events
Please check back for future events in this category.