Through the Lens of Resurrection

Guest speaker, Reverend Gary Jewell, of the Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference, will bring his experience as a Christian pastor to our pulpit, and share his perspective on faith and salvation. He says, “Central to my faith understanding is that the Gospel’s message of “salvation” is intimately tied to the biblical idea of “shalom” – the idea that God’s call is for all of creation to thrive and do well. Other words that come to mind regarding my faith are – justice, love, health, and connection. Most of my preaching focuses on these themes.” He says he resonates strongly with the spirit and the work of Unitarians, and hopes our congregation will find connections with his message.

Biographical information:
Reverend Gary Jewell is an ordained pastor in the Mennonite Church, USA, and a familiar face to many in our congregation. Gary has worked in Mennonite and United Church of Christ congregations in Spokane for the past 25 years, and is a district pastor with the Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference. He and his wife, Jan Yoder, have taught in the Our Whole Lives comprehensive sexuality education program, and Gary has been a valued member of the cook staff at Camp Starwheel.