Speaker: Rev. Dr. Todd Eklof

UUCS Minister

Restorative Justice: What is It and Who is It For?

Restorative Justice is a popular alternative to our current system of justice, but what exactly is it and how is it being put into practice? Is it truly an alternative to our punitive system of justice? Where has it been put into practice and how successful has it been?

Independence Daze: The Ups and Downs of Freedom

Freedom: it seems like such a good idea, but how many of us are genuinely committed to the principle of freedom, especially when it can mean falling out of favor with others, or not being able to control others and outcomes, or struggling to find a healthy balance between respecting the freedoms of others while also honoring our own, or wrestling with inherent conflict between freedom and belonging, and between freedom and equality? These are challenging questions to ponder on this 4th of July holiday.

Conversations with Todd

During this service, members will have an opportunity to ask Rev. Eklof questions about topics he has or hasn’t addressed in previous sermons.

The Good Facebook: Society’s New Inerrant Authoritative Word of God

Like all technology, social media platforms can be used for good or for ill, and they are currently used for both. In this sermon we’ll consider some of the pitfalls associated with the rapid adoption of this form of social interaction, including its impact upon our own liberal religion, along with more positive ways to take advantage of it.

The Evolution of Tolerance: From Legal Necessity to Moral Imperative

Today we take it for granted that we ought, at the very least, pretend to be tolerant of those with whom we disagree. This moral sentiment, however, is relatively new in human history. Until recently, the very notion that a society should be tolerant of differing ideas was considered preposterous, and, in some cases, the suggestion alone was enough to get a person condemned. In this sermon, we’ll explore the roots of moral tolerance.

The Infant Ape: Mind Blowing Ideas Series Part 1

This will be the first in a seven-part monthly series on mind blowing ideas, beginning with the biological concept known as neoteny. Neoteny is the tendency of some species to retain juvenile characteristics throughout their entire lives. Humans are among the most neotenous species in the history of Life.

To Become Worthy of What Happens to Us

Philosopher Gilles Deleuze believed the purpose of life and ethics is to become able to be reborn in confronting the challenging events of our lives. In this message, we’ll explore how this becomes possible.

Celebrate Good Times, Come On!

As we return to in-person services after more than a year of isolation, it would be appropriate to consider all the good that is happening in our world today. The half empty cup is also half full, so let’s take this momentous occasion to celebrate the fullness and richness of our lives.

The Non-Anxious Community: How Genuine Love Triumphs Over Sadomasochistic Societies

Some have said the tension between freedom and belonging is the fundamental source of human anxiety. Many attempt to cope with this tension through unhealthy power dynamics that leave some in positions of authority and others as their willing followers. Healthy communities and individuals, on the other hand, are based upon mutual respect and care. In this sermon, we’ll go deeper into what this does and doesn’t look like.

Trekkie Todd: Indulging My Star Trek Obsession

Despite being a devout Star Trek fan, I have only ever given one sermon about the iconic TV series, during which I said it would be my last. Yet, the ethics and hopes inspired by this science fiction phenomenon, which millions like me have integrated into our lives, are as relevant today as ever. So I will indulge my obsession once again to talk about how the crew of the Starship Enterprise continues to inspire and influence my life here on Earth.