Speaker: Rev. Dr. Todd Eklof

UUCS Minister

A Unitarian UU: Freedom of Conscience, Reason, and Our Common Humanity

Sunday Services are at 9:15 am & 11 am

Sunday Services are at 9:15 & 11 am
Sometimes we hear individual’s preface what kind of Unitarian Universalist they are by adding yet another religion or philosophy into the mix – a Christian UU, a Pagan UU, a Buddhist UU, a Humanist UU, and so on. This often makes me wonder why Unitarian Universalism alone isn’t enough for them, why there remains a spiritual or theological void to be filled.

The Good News: Some Things that are Better than You Think

People have always lived in fear, whether of hungry predators or other humans posing a threat to our family-troops and tribes, or the angry gods expressing themselves through natural disasters and plagues, or the horror of oppressive governments, foreign invaders, and warfare

Conversations with Todd

This is an opportunity for me to field a few questions regarding topics you’d like me to address or go deeper into. I always enjoy the opportunity to think on my feet!