Speaker: Rev. Dr. Todd Eklof

UUCS Minister

Rod Serling: Man from the Twilight Zone

Rod Serling, one of America’s most highly awarded and famous television writers and producers was also a Unitarian. The same values that drew him to our liberal religion were displayed in his screenwriting and TV programs, but also in the way he lived his life … read more.

Who Goes Up Must Come Down

Our historic first NAUA Year Summit gives us pause to think of the symbolism of mountains and mountain climbing, of surmounting great challenges, gaining a broader perspective, the transformative power of peak experiences, and the need to come back down to earth. In this sermon, … read more.

Crying Over the Spilled Milky Way

Most of what physicists understand today was also understood to some degree by some of humanity’s greatest thinkers 2,600 years ago. Then, free thought and speech got shut down for more than a millennium. In this sermon, we’ll imagine what the world might be like … read more.

The Creation Spirituality of John Denver

This special service explores the four paths of Creation Spirituality as outlined by theologian Matthew Fox and expressed through the life and music of Mother Nature’s son, John Denver. It will, naturally, include lots of his live music and plenty of singing.

… read more.