Speaker: Rev. Dr. Todd Eklof

UUCS Minister

A Whole New World

Things are a lot different than they were when I was born almost sixty years ago, and today they are changing more quickly than ever. There’s even serious planning and investment going into actually finding a whole new world by sending astronauts to Mars, workers … read more.

The Discovery of Humanity

Today we take the concept of “humanity” for granted (although we don’t always act like it). But, throughout most of human history, people were tribal and saw little connection between their groups and outsiders. The notion of our “common humanity” and, therefore, the inherent worth … read more.

Cosmic Advent

Given that Christmas Eve falls on Sunday this year, we will not hold our usual morning services but invite everyone to attend our annual Cosmic Advent that evening starting at 4:30 p.m. This candlelight service includes traditional Christmas hymns, readings from a variety of religions, … read more.


There are few words more nebulous and inconsistently defined than “spiritual.” Yet it is frequently used as if everyone knows exactly what it means. Sometimes it’s used to criticize the beliefs, thinking, and even the character of those deemed “not very spiritual” or “not spiritual … read more.

Conversations with Todd

During this occasional service, Rev. Eklof will once again field questions from attendees about a variety of topics. Although he reserves matters of church business for church business meetings, any other questions regarding things he’s already discussed or hasn’t discussed at all are welcome.