Speaker: Rev. Dr. Todd Eklof

UUCS Minister

History and the Measure of All Things

Services are held at 9:15 & 11:00 a.m. each Sunday. In our country, we often celebrate the moon landing, or even the first American in space, but before any of this, Russian astronaut, Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin became the first person in space. Gagarin is hardly a household name in the U.S., though, if we saw ourselves as human beings, rather than strictly as American human beings, perhaps we would be as grateful and aware of his place in our history as we are Neil Armstrong or Alan Shepard. This is just one example of how a humanistic ethic enriches our concept of history, and our connection to all people.

Joseph’s Dream: From Poverty to Privilege

Services are held at 9:15 & 11:00 a.m. each Sunday. The familiar story of Joseph and his brothers remains as poignant today as it must have been for its original audience a few thousand years ago. We seem to have so many excuses for considering ourselves separate from others, better than others, and for holding on to grudges that sometimes transcend generations. How can these habituated divisions between us ever be closed? Perhaps Joseph’s story holds the answer.

Protest and the Measure of All Things

Services are held at 9:15 & 11:00 a.m. each Sunday.  There is much conflict and disagreement in our world, as well as much anger and protest. Often, regardless of the issues involved, just looking at their behavior makes it difficult to tell some protestors apart. Yet a humanistic ethic requires us to treat those we disagree with as our fellow human beings, requiring us to demonstrate our values amidst the most heated debate.

Social Justice Sunday

Services are held at 9:15 & 11:00 a.m. each Sunday. Social Justice is the lifeblood of any Unitarian Universalist Church. Although we’re involved in many other aspects of life, including creating community and finding meaning, a UU congregation that’s not actively working to make the world a better and fairer place for everyone is ultimately unhealthy, unfulfilling, and unsuccessful. This is so, because we need to put our faith into action. It’s part of who we are. During this service we’ll lean more about all the things UUCS is doing for social justice, hear from some of those involved, and learn more about the opportunities for getting involved.

Authentic Religion: What We Devote Our Lives To

Services are held at 9:15 & 11:00 a.m. each Sunday. Some claiming to be very religious, may not be very religious at all; while others who don’t consider themselves that religious, may be the most religious of all. If religion is just a set of ideas and habits, if it’s merely something ancient that’s been passed down to us, as it’s often considered, maybe the traditionalists have it right. But if it’s something unique to each one of us, something beyond our beliefs and habits, something genuine and new that can only belong to ourselves, then religion may be most profoundly present within those we’d least expect.

Religion and the Measure of All Things

Religion and the Measure of All Things
Services are held at 9:15 & 11:00 a.m. each Sunday. At its best, human welfare and fulfillment is already the point of most religions. Historically, however, this hasn’t always played out. Instead of being about devotion to a god, what if human welfare became the sole criterion upon which to determine the value of any religion?

Unicorns and Fairies: Exposing the Myths of Our Times

Unicorns and Fairies: Exposing the Myths of Our Times
Services are held at 9:15 & 11:00 a.m. each Sunday. Is it possible for an entire society to be insane? Can we suffer a collective neurosis and share the same delusions? If so, if we corroborate each other’s “flights of fancy,” do they just feel normal to us? Do we maintain them without question; inanities like war, and greed, and oppression? What are some of the impossible beasts we’ve come to accept are real?

Economics and the Measure of All Things

Many think most the world’s problems can be solved economically, by converting from Capitalism to Socialism, destroying Communism, or establishing income equality. So long as our priority is wealth rather than welfare, however, no economic system can solve the problems most impacting our lives. In … read more.

Earth and the Measure of All Things

It doesn’t seem possible to dwell upon the Earth without doing some damage, without, at least, the Earth needing to adapt to our presence as much as we must adapt to her. Yet this reality cannot justify the rapid exploitation and depletion of her resources, … read more.