The Edict of Torda: Celebrating 450 Years
As Unitarians we can be proud the very first religious tolerance law in history was enacted by a Unitarian ruler, the Hungarian King John Sigismund, on January 28, 1568.
UUCS Minister
As Unitarians we can be proud the very first religious tolerance law in history was enacted by a Unitarian ruler, the Hungarian King John Sigismund, on January 28, 1568.
Despite its audacious promise, ending 500-year-old racist systems, this sermon will focus on those specific systems and consider ways to dismantle and replace them with new systems that can truly make our communities, our country, our world, and our lives whole.
Many spiritualities and faiths have the goal of Unity, of the individual becoming one with everything, of the single drop returning to its source, the sea. Christians seek this end by inviting Jesus into their hearts, Muslims through practicing the Five Pillars of Islam, Jews … read more.
In the 1990 film, Jacob’s Ladder, Meister Eckhart is quoted as saying, “If you’re frightened of dying and you’re holding on, you’ll see devils tearing your life away. In this sermon, Rev. Eklof will share something of his own inner-work on the topic of demons … read more.
Unless time travel is possible, now may be the only moment that has ever and ever will exist, but this doesn’t mean now isn’t impacted by our anxieties and dreams about the future, nor that our future isn’t impact by the choices we make now.
Services are held at 9:15 & 11:00 a.m. each Sunday. “Don’t just do something, stand there!” This turn of phrase gets at the heart of what this sermon is about—a reminder that sometimes the best thing to do is nothing, to rest, to be quiet, … read more.
Services are held at 9:15 & 11:00 a.m. each Sunday. During his first message of the new year, Rev. Eklof will consider what most impacted him while studying for, preparing, and contemplating the sermons he delivered last year.
This expanded story for all ages, written by Rev. Eklof, is a continuation of the classic Christmas story by Dr. Seuss. Just in time for the holidays, the Grinch is back with his brand new big heart to help defend Whoville from a Grinch invasion … read more.
During this service, members of the Greatness of a Time (GOAT) Collective will join Rev. Eklof in a service that explores how racism and white supremacy are barriers to self-fulfillment, and how the essence of being a loving society requires the removal of barriers.
John Lennon asked us to imagine a world without countries, religion, war, or possessions. For many, envisioning a world without these things is but a flight of fancy, if not altogether unimaginable. In this sermon we’ll give serious consideration to what it might look like.