Speaker: Rev. Dr. Todd Eklof

UUCS Minister

I Don’t Believe in Music, It’s Only a Theory: How to Respond to those Who Don’t Believe in Evolution

Creationists regularly dismiss evolution by pointing out it’s only a theory, suggesting it hasn’t been proven. The “theory,” however, has to do with questions about how evolution happens, not if it happens. We can watch it happen in a Petri dish in just a few hours, or look to physiological adaptations in some species that are occurring right now. Saying evolution doesn’t happen because it’s only a theory is like saying music doesn’t happen because we teach music theory.

Being Revolutionary: Creating Positive Change in Our Era of Upheaval

It doesn’t seem to be getting much airplay, but there are signs a revolution is occurring in our nation, if not throughout our world, in which ordinary people are demanding a more level playing field for everyone. I’m personally excited and hopeful about this time of peaceful social transformation, but am also cautious about how we should proceed. In this sermon, I will discuss the difference between a rebellion and a revolution, and what it means to be truly revolutionary in our approach.

Roots: The Unitarian Universalism of Jesus

Where did it all begin? In 1961 when the American Unitarian Association and the Universalist Church of America formed the Unitarian Universalist Association? During the 18th Century when Universalist preacher John Murray cried, “Give them hope not hell?” Or during the 16th century when Unitarian … read more.

To Walk in Beauty: The Art of Life

Since I’m unable to display pictures of our Universe today, I’ve decided to talk about pictures instead, about looking at the big picture, or, more importantly, about painting the big picture. So the title of today’s message is, “To Walk in Beauty.” I’ve subtitled it, … read more.