Speaker: Rev. Dr. Todd Eklof

UUCS Minister

The Creation Spirituality of John Denver

This will be a special service exploring Creation Spirituality through the life and songs of Mother Nature’s son, John Denver. It will, of course, feature several live performances from church and local musicians and singers.

We Die

The cryptic title of this message says it all. We die. It’s as much a part of life as the air we breathe and the water we drink. Yet our culture leads us to largely ignore this inevitability which often leads to financial ruin in our final days, but also to a lifetime of anxiety and clinging to ways, ideas, and things we can’t keep. What would life be like if we all embraced our mortality to better appreciate this brief opportunity to enjoy, to love, to care, and to let go?

Hope not Hell: The Time is Now

More than 200 years ago, Universalism’s founder, John Murray challenged us to go everywhere, into the highways and byways, to let our light shine by offering, “not hell, but hope.” Isn’t it about time we did?

Unfolding: Becoming Who You Always Have Been

Have you ever wanted to get away from it all, especially yourself? Have you read a ton of self-improvement and self-help books in the process? Perhaps this drive isn’t about self-transformation, or about leaving our old lives behind, but about transcending the trappings and lies … read more.

Pale Blue Neighborhood: We’re All on this Planet Together

Astronomer Carl Sagan sometimes referred to our Earth as “a pale blue dot” to remind us how tiny our cosmic home really is, and how close we are to all people and all beings we share it with. As we celebrate our partnership with our Unitarian sisters and brothers in Felsőrákos, Romania by welcoming one of its visiting families, let us remember that we are not so far apart begin with.

Erich Fromm’s Personality Types

Many of us are aware of Carl Jung’s personality types given the widespread use of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator test, as well as those outlined in the equally as popular Enneagram system; but my favorite psychologist of them all, Erich Fromm outlined a lesser known list of types. These range from the extremely pathological Necrophilous (death loving) orientation, to the more healthy minded Productive character type. In this sermon, we’ll explore these as well as the other character type’s Fromm discovered.