Speaker: Rev. Dr. Todd Eklof

UUCS Minister

Everything I Knew about AI Yesterday

The Age of Artificial intelligence is upon us and it’s changing so fast that it’s nearly impossible to keep up with. In this sermon, I’ll discuss what I know and think about this transformative and, for some, terrifying advancement in human technology. This will include … read more.

The Myth of the Noble Savage

There is an almost archetypal idea of our primitive ancestors as healthy, happy, isolated individuals living at one with nature, whose idyllic lives were ruined by the advent of civilization, which required them to suppress their pure and natural instincts in order to adapt to … read more.

Conversations with Todd

This is an opportunity to ask questions regarding topics Rev. Eklof has or hasn’t spoken about from the pulpit. As a Sunday service, he will not address church business matters during this time, but does enjoy fielding a wide range of thoughtful questions.

Preaching to the Preacher

My sermons are most often about the things I’m interested in and learning about when I give them. I am a part of my own audience. Each year, at the start of a new church year, I like to consider which sermon topics and insights … read more.