Poetry as Salvation

Guest Speaker Mery Smith, Spokane Poet Laureate

In this guest presentation, “Poetry as Salvation”, Mery Smith, Spokane’s Fifth Poet Laureate, will bring to life the story that has shaped her work as a poet and a person for the last seven years.  While raising four children, … read more.

Don’t Lie to Yourself

When Polonius tells Laertes, “To thine own self be true” in Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, he was advising him to do what he believes is right by remaining true to his values no matter the circumstances. That’s good advice, but this saying could also be taken … read more.

The Singularity

What is the Singularity? When will it arrive? What will life be like and what will become of humanity when it arrives? Futurist, inventor, and scientist Ray Kurzweil say the coming technological singularity is near—nearer than we think. In this sermon, I’ll discuss what this … read more.