Volunteer Fair Spotlight: Social Justice Coordinating Council

Join us during this Sundays services on September 5, 2021 to hear from the Social Justice Coordinating Council. They are looking for volunteers and participants.

The Social Justice Coordinating Council at UUCS coordinates the advocacy, community partnerships, and community service activities of the church. Here are some highlights of their activities:

  • Identifying and partnering with community organizations that work on issues or provide direct services that foster social, economic, and/or environmental justice.
  • Determining the organization or groups that receive UUCS’s monthly Special Collection. This year we have given these collections to Transitions, Meals on Wheels, Odyssey, Hope House, homeless projects, Immigrant Legal Defense Fund, Carl Maxey Center and the Sharing fund.
  • Evaluating and approving applications for the UUCS Make It Happen, which have included OutSpokane Pride parade, Spokane County Jail Library, sending a member to Environmental Conference, production of CD with Social Justice songs by Pam Larratt.
  • Organizing actions and service projects, such as UUCS participation in the OutSpokane Pride parade, celebration and organizing social events for LGBT community, Spokane County Jail Library, working on issues of homelessness, immigration legal defense, environmental issues and justice in the Middle East and sponsoring a monthly Meaningful Movies.

Questions about the Social Justice Coordinating Council? Contact Susan Tyler Babkirk at dst-b@comcast.net.