Todd’s UUA Resignation

During a recent sermon discussing NAUA, I stated that I can no longer, in good conscience, be part of the Unitarian Universalist Association. Turns out, since the UUA doesn’t have individual members, “breaking up is hard to do.” So, I’ve sent the following communication to the UUA leadership, including its President, Executive VP, and current Board of Trustees.

To those concerned,

Please remove my name from your rolls. I no longer wish to be affiliated in any way with what the UUA has become. Although the historic congregation I proudly continue to serve, despite your efforts to demonize and discredit me (some of you having worked covertly to help oust me) remains a member of your illiberal institution (for now), I ask that you please remove my name from your mailing lists. I no longer wish to hear from you, nor to know anything about your destructive efforts. Your rejection of the inherent worth and dignity of every person means your now dogmatic and intolerant Association no longer represents my values. (For example, you consider “individualism” one of Unitarianism’s foundational “trinity of errors.” Your 2018 study action issue on “de-centering whiteness,” calls for “decentering individual dignity.” You’re doing away with the seven principles, including our first principle, “the inherent worth and dignity of every person,” in preference for the chilling euphemism, “our collective liberation.” And you seem fearful and intolerant of any dissent, having completely eliminated letters to the editor in your propagandized magazine, and by frantically attacking anyone who questions your unsubstantiated and indefensible ideas. I won’t go into your disturbing decimation of democratic processes at the UUA, especially in its elections. This is so obvious as to be criminal.

As an ethical being (despite your listing of me as an uncooperative bully who is ethically unfit for ministry on your website—talk about projection!), I cannot in conscience remain connected nor identified with your dehumanizing and authoritarian Association.

I will, however, continue to remain a Unitarian Universalist minister actively engaged in Unitarian Universalist ministry and will continue to identify myself as such, having been duly ordained and called by the only body with the authority to do so.

Rev. Dr. Todd F. Eklof